Oct 6 / Alice Winborn - FLY

Unlock Your Potential: Why Our 200-Hour Teacher Trainings are Inclusive for All

Why our 200-hour teacher trainings are for everyone?

Our FLY Customer Manager Alice answers:

The most common question I get asked when I have a discovery call with an aspiring student is whether they will be a good fit for our signature 200-hour yoga teacher training. I have a number of ways to answer this question (depending on the individual circumstances of the student of course!), but almost always I answer yes!

Why? Well, mostly because everyone can gain something from undertaking one of our trainings, whether it be the ability to teach a safe and creative 75-minute vinyasa flow class, or the confidence to stand up and speak in front of a group, there are always more ways in which we can learn and grow as individuals. This is a deeply personal and transformative journey and it takes place in the most magical of places, Suryalila Retreat Centre.

Nestled in the hills of Grazalema, an hour south of Seville, Suryalila provides the warm and nurturing space that allows the alchemy of the training to take place. Many students begin the course imagining the experience will be one thing and find it turns into something completely different!

In my view, the training really brings the student exactly what they are looking for at that point in their lives. I also always try to emphasise to students that it is does not matter how old (or young!) you are, which physical postures you can and can’t do and whether you have an injury or not, the training is available to everyone who has a regular practice, a curious mind and an open heart.

Yoga is a spiritual system and the physical components (asana) are just one element of this, something which Vidya highlights in her philosophy classes. The yogic path is a way of living your life in a conscious and authentic manner and the 200-hour teacher training really is just the start of that journey, a solid foundation on which to build upon.

So, whilst of course you finish the training with the skills and competency to teach, the ability to do hands-on assists and much else besides, there is also a lot more which is learnt which is not so easily quantifiable. Perhaps, because you are with like-minded souls, often for the first time, the training opens doors to new possibilities and new futures. Surrounded by other dedicated yogis and inquisitive minds can lead us to think differently about our lives and what is important to us.

For me, this is the most obvious reason why our trainings are for everyone; giving ourselves time to reconnect with our passions and true desires is something which is valuable to all students on this path, regardless of their age, physical ability, gender or race.

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About Alice

Alice Winborn is our dedicated Customer Manager at Frog Lotus Yoga International and she is a qualified FLY Yoga Teacher too. Alice brings a wealth of experience to her role, having served as the Bookings and Retreats Manager at Suryalila for many years. Her deep understanding of the wellness industry and her commitment to providing exceptional customer service make her the go-to contact for all your inquiries.

With a passion for yoga and a genuine desire to help aspiring students, Alice is your friendly point of contact whether you're making a discovery call or reaching out via email. Her knowledge and expertise ensure that you receive the best guidance and support on your journey with Frog Lotus Yoga International. Alice is here to assist you every step of the way and ensure your booking experience is as seamless and simple as possible.
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