Take a deep dive into all things Yoga without taking Yoga Teachers Training

Aug 24 / Vidya Heisel
Yoga has transcended its traditional boundaries and evolved into a widely practised art form with profound implications for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Many practitioners are drawn to delve deeper into yoga's philosophy, history, and postures without necessarily aspiring to become a yoga teacher. As an experienced Yoga Teacher Trainer, I have had many students join a YTT Course because they have yearned to know more about Yoga. Most YTT’s have schedules that include a lot of applied anatomy and teaching practice, which may be too much information, for students that are not planning to become teachers. But up until now, there haven't been many other options for deepening your practice. 
During Covid, I designed an online version of our Yoga Teachers’ Training and I ran the programme several times. As a longtime trainer, I didn’t enjoy the online trainings as much as the live ones. I love the immersive journey of a live in-person intensive and, although we did include some interactive live sessions, I concluded that the old-fashioned offline training was more rewarding for both the students and myself.I have thought a lot about live versus online training, and recently I had the realisation that learning online can be great, if what you are looking for is a deeper understanding of all things Yoga, as opposed to the ongoing assessment, encouragement and critique, present in live training, which I find difficult to replicate online.

Online modules from Yoga Teacher Trainings can serve as invaluable resources for anyone looking to deepen their understanding and practice of yoga. This aha moment led me to redesign my own online Yoga Teacher Training, so instead of all of the topics of the training being mixed together, replicating the live training, it is now divided into different stand-alone modules, enabling people who simply want to go deeper into a specific topic, like the history and philosophy of Yoga, and how to integrate it into daily life, or how to meditate, how to practise many different types of pranayama or to gain a more in-depth analysis of postures, which imparts a more profound knowledge about correct alignment, variations, and modifications.

By accessing these modules, practitioners can enhance their knowledge of yoga philosophy, refine their postures, delve into meditation, and integrate yogic principles into daily life, without having the pressure of having to teach. 

Vidya Jacqueline Heisel, SYT, E-RYT 500
Director of Frog Lotus Yoga International Yoga Teacher Training Programs
Director of Suryalila Retreat Centre
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