50-Hour Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Pranayama Training - November 2024

  • Teachers: Lidiya Petkova & Vidya Heisel
  • Study time: 50-hours
  • When: 16 - 23 November
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    Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, anD Pranayama yoga Immersion

    Learn the Art of Relaxation

    Deepen your practice and your teaching

    Practice and learn within the inspiring energy of the magnificent Om Dome

    Gain Continuing Education Credits towards your 300-hr Advanced Yoga Teacher Certification

    Discover the Profound Benefits of Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Pranayama

    In the fast-paced modern world, finding balance and tranquility is crucial for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Restorative yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Pranayama techniques offer powerful tools to achieve this equilibrium. This 50-hour yoga immersion program provides an in-depth exploration of these practices, equipping practitioners and instructors with the knowledge to unlock the transformative benefits of these ancient techniques.

    Restorative Yoga: Rejuvenation Through Relaxation

    Restorative yoga is a gentle and nurturing practice that encourages deep relaxation, making it a valuable counterbalance to our often stressful lives.

    Yoga Nidra: The Art of Conscious Relaxation

    Yoga Nidra, often referred to as yogic sleep, is a guided meditation technique that facilitates deep relaxation and heightened self-awareness.

    Pranayama: Harnessing the Breath for Transformation

    Pranayama, the practice of conscious breath control, is a cornerstone of yogic philosophy. Pranayama techniques delve into the subtleties of breath, offering a multitude of benefits.


    Here is what we will cover in
    this course

    Deep dive into Restorative Yoga

    Learn the history and development of Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra. Explore in-depth breakdown of Restorative Yoga postures plus theming & sequencing. Study yoga Nidra theory as well as polyvagal theory.

    Enhance your Restorative Yoga Teaching Skills

    Explore the art of teaching Restorative Yoga, it´s purpose and benefits. Understand the stress response, the Vagus Nerve, and common areas of tension in the body plus in-depth breakdowns of Restorative Yoga postures.

    Study the Science of Relaxation

    Learn how we use science to supercharge relaxation. Understand Baroreflex and Restorative Asana. Explore Restorative Inversions with in depth breakdowns and techniques to induce brain relaxation facilitated with correct prop setups.

    Additional Techniques

    Explore incorporating additional techniques such as myofascial release techniques, savasana variations, hands-on assisting and pranayama in a restorative context.

    Mastering Pranayama

    Study the anatomy and physiology of breathing, teaching methodology of pranayama and a workshop on mastering Pranayama. Learn the aspects of essential breathing and using the breath as a teacher and friend.

    Putting It All Together

    By the end of the training you'll have become a certified and confident Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra teacher ready to take your practice and your teaching out into the world. 
    Meet the teachers

    Lidiya Petkova

    Lidiya is an experienced resident teacher here at the beautiful Suryalila Retreat Centre in Southern Spain where she also leads retreats.

    Yoga has been an inseparable part of Lidiya's life since discovering the practice in 2006 and teaching from 2014. With her Restorative and Nidra sessions she aims to awaken her students to the power of conscious rest. To deepen your inner journey even more, her classes are usually accompanied with singing bowls sound therapy.

    With her students, Lidiya loves sharing what yoga has given her – balance in life, inner wellbeing and radiant health.
    Patrick Jones - Course author
    Patrick Jones - Course author
    Meet the teachers

    Vidya Heisel

    Vidya is the founder of Frog Lotus Yoga and founder / director of our beautiful Suryalila Retreat Centre here in Spain. She is one of the most influential and experienced yoga teachers around. 

    She has been joyfully studying, practicing and teaching Yoga since 1975. She is an inspiring master teacher with a deep experiential knowledge of Yogic philosophy and meditation, having spent many years in ashrams in India and in the USA. 

    A gifted teacher she loves to share her vast knowledge with depth, clarity, compassion and humor.
    Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Advanced Pranayama yoga Immersion

    50-Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training - November 2024

    The 50-hour yoga immersion program in Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Pranayama offers an opportunity to explore the transformative benefits of these ancient practices. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner seeking to deepen your practice or an aspiring yoga instructor aiming to share these gifts with others, this immersion provides the knowledge and tools to unlock the profound healing, relaxation, and self-discovery that these practices offer. Embark on this journey and discover the beauty of balance and well-being through restorative yoga, Yoga Nidra, and pranayama.
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    Frequently asked questions


    This training is mainly for yoga teachers however, if you have been practicing for 3+ years and you think you feel ready to attend this course, please reach out to us before applying to discuss if this course would be suitable for you. 

    Do I have to have teaching experience?

    No teaching experience required. If you are a yoga teacher then the training can be used to advance your Yoga Alliance certification or if you are not interested in the continuing education credits you can simply enjoy the experience of practicing and learning within the inspiring energy at Suryalila.

    Is the course recognised by Yoga Alliance?

    Yes. We are a Registered Yoga Alliance School. And we certify our graduates with a Yoga Alliance teacher certification.
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