The Gita Talks
Bhagavad Gita and Advaita Vedanta Study Group
Learn the lessons of the Bhagavad Gita from an Advaita Vedanta perspective in this series of talks by Vidya Heisel. We read Rory Makkay's translation and commentary of the Gita, 'Bhagavad Gita - The Divine Song' and Vidya adds her own thoughts and interpretations on this ancient text.
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Every week Vidya hosts a Bhagavad Gita and Advaita Vedanta study group which is filmed live from Suryalila, the home of Frog Lotus Yoga. Vidya has been a student and teacher of yoga philosophy for many years so her profound knowledge on this text and how it applies to our modern lives is extensive. The Gita is the original yoga text and holds the wisdom on which yoga as we know it was founded. You can watch the series here or on our Vimeo channel.
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The Gita Talks: Study Group 1
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The Gita Talks: Study Group 2
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The Gita Talks: Study Group 3
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The Gita Talks: Study Group 4
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The Gita Talks: Study Group 5
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The Gita Talks: Study Group 6
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The Gita Talks: Study Group 7
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